Monday, May 4, 2009

Angel or Garden Gnome?

A few weeks ago, Erica (my neighbor), her daughter Leila and I went to the Big Bear Cafe (plug...AWESOME coffee shop in DC) just to hang out and catch up. On the way home Erica and I were talking about some of the regular homeless people in the neighborhood. She asked me what I thought a particular man looked like...This man has long grey hair, typically a beard. In the winter he wears a blue hoodie tied on his head with his hair poking out and a big red puffy jacket zipped up over top. This man also has piercing blue eyes and that seem to hide a he doesn't talk to us; He doesn't even say hi.
So she asks what I think he looks like and I immediately reply "A garden gnome..."
Erica says "Oh...I kinda thought he could be an angel"...

How's that for conviction ;) So now I lovingly regard him as my homeless angelic garden gnome. Do you see the resemblance?!

Special shout out to Jason for the candid shot of "Awesome haired guy" as he lovingly refers to him :) Whoot whoot!

1 comment:

  1. Muahahahahahah!! Garden gnome - solid response. I love how you actually have everyone's picture on here - classic.
